Kurikulum dan Silabus


Magister Pembangunan Wilayah merupakan salah satu minat program studi S2 Geografi Universitas Gadjah Mada. Jumlah keseluruhan SKS yang harus ditempuh adalah 44 SKS yang terdiri atas sebelas mata kuliah wajib (24 SKS) yang terdiri dari lima mata kuliah wajib Prodi Geografi (11 SKS) dan enam mata kuliah wajib Minat Pembangunan Wilayah (13 SKS). Jumlah mata kuliah pilihan yang ditawarkan sebanyak 10 mata kuliah (20 SKS), namun demikian jumlah minimal mata kuliah pilihan yang harus diambil adalah 10 SKS. Selanjutnya kurikulum Minat Pembangunan Wilayah dapat dilihat pada Tabel Daftar Mata Kuliah. Setiap mata kuliah terdiri dari teori, tugas individu, tugas kelompok, dan ujian. Sementara itu untuk kuliah lapangan dan studio terdiri atas teori, tugas kelompok, dan praktek lapangan, termasuk juga presentasi dan ujian individu maupun kelompok.

Daftar Mata Kuliah

NO KODE MATA KULIAH SKS Compulsory/ Elective
1 GEPW 5103 Research Design and Methodology 2 C
2 GEPW 5102 Spatial Data Representation 2 C
3 GEPW 5101 Development of Concept and Theories in Geography 2 C
4 GEPW 5104 Spatial Development Planning 2 C (RD)
5 GEPW 5105 Regional Economics Development 2 C (RD)
6 GEPW 5106 Population and Development 2 C (RD)
7 GEPW 5107 Space and Place in Globalization 2 C (RD)
8 GEPW 5108 Structure and Dynamics of Regional Systems 2 C (RD)
9 GEPW 5209 Human and Environment 2 E
10 GEPW 5210 Smart City, Village, and Region 2 E
11 GEPW 5211 Sustainable Tourism Development 2 E
12 GEPW 6112 Applied Geography 2 C
13 GEPW 6214 Marginal and Border Area Development 2 E
14 GEPW 6215 Design of Monitoring and Evaluation 2 E
15 GEPW 6216 Rural Development 2 E
16 GEPW 6217 Agricultural Development and Food Security 2 E
17 GEPW 6218 Risk Reduction and Disaster Mitigation 2 E
18 GEPW 6113 Fieldwork 2 C
19   GEPW 7119 Regional Development Studio 3 C (RD)
20 GEPW 7120 Thesis 10 C


C             : Compulsory

CRD       : Compulsory Core in Regional Development

E             : Elective



  1. Research Design and Methodology (Compulsory)

Limitations and concepts of geographic research methods, Selection of geographic research methods. Sampling method framework. Processing and analysis of data. Preparation of geography research proposals.

  1. Spatial Data Representation (Compulsory)

This course discusses the understanding, definition, supporting science and development of Geographic Information System (GIS) and various of technology, phasing, hardware, software, geographic spatial data, data input, databases, utilization and application of Geographic Information Systems for regional studies. Talking about data (points, lines, polygons, graphics, attributes, topologies), data structures (vectors, raster’s), data files, data browsing and layers, database structures (hierarchical, network, relational), data quality, structuring, database maintenance and management, database analysis and manipulation.

  1. Development of Concept and Theories in Geography (Compulsory)

Concepts, definitions, and scope of geographic concepts and related terminology. Historiography, characterization and various theories of geography.

  1. Spatial Development Planning (Compulsory Core in Regional Development)

The material provided concerns the spatial approach in development and the importance of regional spatial planning to realize the integration and harmony of development. Explanation and description of various problems of spatial planning and regional development faced by various nations. Understanding and technical skills in preparing the structure and pattern of regional space as well as the preparation of Zoning Regulations. Evaluation and control of space utilization is also part of the material that will be given.  At the end, an explanation regarding case studies related to spatial planning and regional development will be given.

  1. Regional Economics Development (Compulsory Core in Regional Development)

This course discusses theories, analytical methods, and implications of public policies related to the interaction between spatial environment and economic activities. This course provides a basic understanding of regional economics, location analysis, spatial structure of regional economies, various theories of regional growth, regional dimension development, regional economic systems. The actual issues of the regional economy such as investment, regional marketing and the local economy are given in the form of case analysis, it also provides various kinds of regional economic analysis techniques as a basis for regional economic planning.

  1. Population and Development (Compulsory Core in Regional Development)

The relationship between population and development is presented as the beginning by presenting various schools of thought that have developed along with various regional development policies and programs. Theory from Malthusian, Neo-Malthusian, Classical Economic Theory, Dependency Theory and Mixed Perspective will be presented in depth along with their implications for development. Population dynamics will be discussed in more detail such as fertility, mortality & morbidity, population mobility and migration. The population component is presented in accordance with the dynamics of development in Indonesia This course also provides several techniques of population analysis in the process of formulating regional development policies.

  1. Space and Place in Globalization (Compulsory Core in Regional Development)

In the era of globalization and the development of ICT, relative space, especially virtual space, plays an important role and brings about changes related to the movement and function of places and allows the substitution of ICT in human activities and economic activities. Also, the emergence of location decentralization and changing definitions and concepts of place. All of these will be discussed in the context of regional development, including urban life with global urban space and the relationship between cities in the global economy. It is also important to study the impact of the globalization process on the shape, economy, and socio-geography of cities which are closely related to space and place.

  1. Structure & Dynamics od Regional System (Compulsory Core in Regional Development)

This course contains an explanation of the area as a system which involves the interaction and interdependence between the main ecosystem subsystem and the main social subsystem, as well as its relation to other areas. This course also explains about the regional approach in development as well as understanding the basic concepts of territory and zoning. An introduction to the regional structure is given as a basis for understanding regional system and patterns of interaction that occur within it. An explanation regarding the understanding of regional dynamics and regional growth as well as internal and external factors. In the final section, regional-based development models and their relation to the current development agenda in Indonesia and the world will be explained.

  1. Human and Environment (Elective)

This course emphasizes of the relationship between humans, especially residents and the environment and its implications for regional development. The lecture material contains population insights and population components such as fertility, mortality and influencing factors, population distribution and migration, and population calculation techniques. Policy implications of the relationship between population and environment as well as efforts to improve the quality of lives (environment, ecology, environmental problems, environmental carrying capacity and the impact of population on the quality of the environment)

  1. Smart City, Village, and Region (Elective)

In the Smart City, Village and Region (SCVR) course, material on understanding and knowledge of smart cities, villages and regions is provided through an explanation of the concept and definition of SCVR. The smart element can be measured from the use of Information, Communication and Technology (ICT), including through discussions about urban development. The development of the use of ICT brings changes to urban management and governance. Apart from ICT, social, political and cultural aspects are also discussed in the SCVR. This includes Industry 4.0 and Society 5.0. The discussion also includes several smart dimensions such as smart governance, smart economy, smart branding, smart people, smart living, smart environment, smart mobility/smart transportation, and smart health. Some of the case studies discussed include the development of smart cities and smart villages in Indonesia and in several countries.

  1. Sustainable Tourism Development (Elective)

Sustainable tourism is a paradigm that is derived into a framework in three dimensions: the economy grows and develops, the community is prosperous and happy, the environment is maintained and sustainable. Indonesia develops sustainable tourism policies and programs that are derived in destination development, certification, and the ISTA Indonesia Sustainable Tourism Award. Various examples can be learned about community initiatives through tourist villages, hotel provider business innovations through green hotels, ecotourism packages, to eco-foods and healthy lifestyles.

  1. Applied Geography (Compulsory)

Through this course, students are given the ability and skills to analyze parametric and non-parametric statistical data related to regional data and their various applications in the study of geography. The methods and techniques of statistical data processing and the meaning of the results of data processing are the focus of the recovery material.

  1. Marginal and Border Area Development (Elective)

This course contains two major interrelated: marginal areas and border areas.The course material begins with knowledge about inequality and underdevelopment of development along with data, profiles and the factors that cause it. The material for developing border areas includes the characteristics, scope and strategic issues of border areas, typology and border area policies, theories and models for developing border areas, both with the dimensions of defense and security, border dimensions, and socio-economics.

  1. Design of Monitoring and Evaluation (Elective)

The content will cover definition and position of monitoring and evaluation in the project cycle as well as an introduction to various versions of the project cycle from various government and non-government agencies. The theoretical foundations of the project cycle derived from the rational decision-making theory of Herbert A. Simon. Three major types of evaluation designs: randomized experiments; quasi-experimental; and non-experimental will be discussed as entry points for discussion of the substance of monitoring and evaluation. Further derivatives of the three major types of evaluation designs will be made by involving temporal aspects and the control group, so that a monitoring and evaluation design with and without comparison and after-before comparison will be obtained. The final part will present the use of management tools in monitoring and evaluation which will be presented with examples of logical frameworks from several available versions.

  1. Rural Development (Elective)

Rural development learning materials will be presented evolutionarily from the beginning since the era of independence of developing countries to the era of community empowerment (late 1980s). The evolution of thinking about rural development is presented in the stages and dominant schools of thought that developed in their respective eras. Exploration of Indonesia’s experience in implementing rural development as part of the policy implementation (UU No. 6  tahun 2006) will be used as a vehicle to convey the latest experiences in rural development that adheres to bottom-up procedures.

  1. Agricultural Development & Food Security (Elective)

This course is designed to equip students with theoretical and empirical knowledge about agricultural development and food security. The lecture material consists of actual issues related to agricultural development in developing countries and in Indonesia, including the issue of food. The role of the agricultural sector in regional development, agricultural resources, agricultural development models, institutions, and policies of agricultural development. Food safety, and security materials cover food problems, food strategies, planning and food security policies.

  1. Risk Reduction and Disaster Mitigation (Elective)

This course aims to build the competency or expertise of Master of Regional Development students in disaster risk reduction and its mitigation scenarios. In the context of development, an area is never free from natural hazard conditions and vulnerable aspects that are exposed. Introduction to the basic concepts of disaster risk reduction, such as hazard, vulnerability, risk, capacity, and resilience is the basic capital introduced in this course. Followed by the identification of disaster risk analysis methods and techniques based on statistical spatial calculations. Disaster risk reduction through risk analysis is included in the long-term disaster mitigation process that needs to be carried out during the regional development process. In addition, this effort is very useful for considering the sustainability of regional development investments so as to be able to eliminate the impacts that may arise. The next theme is identifying global risks, multiple risks, and multiple crises that affect regional development. This type of risk certainly affects the selection of mitigation priorities that are carried out. The scope of lectures is to recognize the characteristics of natural disaster risks in particular, with a focus on Indonesia and other tropical countries. The approach used is a spatial, environmental, and regional complex approach. Analysis techniques that utilize geographic information systems and remote sensing are introduced to support the speed factor in overcoming a crisis or disaster emergency response. In addition, good practices for disaster mitigation around the world that are appropriate to be applied in Indonesia are presented in this lecture.

  1. Fieldwork (Compulsory)

Compulsory courses that are carried out before students take the proposal exam (comprehensive exam). The courses are implemented by combining face-to-face lectures in class, assignments in the studio, and practice in the field. Field practice is carried out in different locations each year according to the interests of students.

  1. Regional Development Studio (Compulsory Core in Regional Development)

The Regional Development Studio material provides an understanding of how to recognize the conditions and problems of an area, conduct spatial analysis to be able to design/plan alternative solutions and appropriate regional development. The activity was carried out by data processing and spatial analysis in a studio with a case study of an area then at the end of the activity a field visit was carried out to conduct observations and collect supporting data through in-depth interviews (local/central government as well as the community and the business world). The teamwork process is carried out from the beginning of the lecture, ending with a team presentation with the most important achievement being the ability to carry out regional analysis and regional development recommendations.

  1. Thesis (Compulsory)

Experimental or applied research with a research level on adaptation, development, or invention about geography.