

Head of Regional Development Master represented Indonesia in UN-Habitat Global Expert Working Group on the International Guidelines for People-Centered Smart Cities

Located in Strasbourg-France on 17-18 April 2024, Prof. Dr. Rini Rachmawati, S.Si., M.T., Chairperson of the Regional Development Studies Interest of Master of Geography UGM attended the UN-Habitat Global Expert Working Group on the International Guidelines for People-Centered Smart Cities meeting, organized by UN Habitat and the Eurometropole of Strasbourg, the Grand Est Region, FNAU and the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs. Participants consisted of 31 experts from various countries. Prof. Rini Rachmawati represented Indonesia, proposed by the Ministry of PUPR and the Ministry of Home Affairs and through selection by UN Habitat. read more

General Lecture and Socialization of Graduate Program in Faculty of Geography UGM at Universitas Lampung

Program Coordinator, Master Program in Regional Development, Faculty of Geography UGM delivered a general lecture at Universitas Lampung (UNILA) on February 23, 2024 at the Hall of Building A FKIP UNILA.. Followed by the introduction of regular, by research, and double degree postgraduate programs. The double degree program “Sustainable Urban and Regional Development” is organized by the Master Program in Regional Development UGM and the University of Groningen. The activity was also attended by managers of Master of Geography, Master of Remote Sensing, and Doctor of Geography Sciences UGM. read more

General Lecture and Socialization of Graduate Program in Faculty of Geography UGM at Universitas Negeri Medan

Program Coordinator, Master Program in Regional Development, Faculty of Geography UGM delivered a general lecture at UNIMED on February 20, 2024 entitled “Digital Transformation through Smart City Implementation to Support Sustainable Development”. Followed by the introduction of regular, by research, and double degree postgraduate programs. The double degree program “Sustainable Urban and Regional Development” is organized by the Master Program in Regional Development UGM and the University of Groningen. read more

Call for Applications Erasmus Scholarships at International Development Studies, Utrecht University, The Netherlands

Are you interested in contemporary international development challenges? Would you like to explore these from a people-centred, human perspective? Then a 5-month study abroad at International Development Studies at Utrecht University might be an option for you!

For 2024-2025, there are two mobility grants available to study in this programme, financed by the European Commission, for MSc students in Forestry and Geography at UGM.

The MSc Degree Programme International Development Studies
The multidisciplinary, one-year Master’s programme in International Development Studies addresses current development challenges and engages with these highly important and urgent issues from people-centered, human perspective. In particular, the programme focuses on topics surrounding migration/mobilities, climate change, land governance, urbanisation and corporate social responsibility. read more