Regional Development Master Program Students Participate in the Strengthening of MSMEs through Digital Branding, Digital Marketing, and Digital Literacy in Sidoarum Village

On Wednesday, August 21, 2024, the Community Service Program Based on Appropriate Technology Application Universitas Gadjah Mada in 2024, was conducted with the theme “Strengthening MSMEs through Digital Branding, Digital Marketing, and Community Digital Literacy to Support Excursionist and MICE (Meeting-Incentive-Convention-Exhibition) Tourism Patterns in Sidoarum Village.” This event was organized by the Center for Southeast Asian Social Studies (CESASS) UGM, supported by the Directorate of Community Service UGM, Faculty of Geography UGM, and Sidoarum Village. Serving as the speaker and team leader was Prof. Dr. Rini Rachmawati, S.Si., M.T. (Head of Regional Development Master Program). The next speaker was Dr. Wing Wahyu Winarno, along with training assistant Kuindra Iriyanta. The community service activity also involved students from the Regional Development Studies, Faculty of Geography UGM, namely Anindya Puteri Eka Susilowati and Atalla Rahadewi Neta.

The event was attended by Hety Pujiastutik, S.H., the Head of Sidoarum Village, who served as a partner in this activity. The training targeted 20 MSME entrepreneurs in Sidoarum Village. Through this initiative, it is hoped that entrepreneurs will enhance their skills and understanding of digital branding, digital marketing, and digital literacy by utilizing social media, e-commerce, and websites to support the promotion and sale of MSME products.

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