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General Lecture and Socialization of Graduate Program in Faculty of Geography UGM at Universitas Lampung

Program Coordinator, Master Program in Regional Development, Faculty of Geography UGM delivered a general lecture at Universitas Lampung (UNILA) on February 23, 2024 at the Hall of Building A FKIP UNILA.. Followed by the introduction of regular, by research, and double degree postgraduate programs. The double degree program “Sustainable Urban and Regional Development” is organized by the Master Program in Regional Development UGM and the University of Groningen. The activity was also attended by managers of Master of Geography, Master of Remote Sensing, and Doctor of Geography Sciences UGM. read more

General Lecture and Socialization of Graduate Program in Faculty of Geography UGM at Universitas Negeri Medan

Program Coordinator, Master Program in Regional Development, Faculty of Geography UGM delivered a general lecture at UNIMED on February 20, 2024 entitled “Digital Transformation through Smart City Implementation to Support Sustainable Development”. Followed by the introduction of regular, by research, and double degree postgraduate programs. The double degree program “Sustainable Urban and Regional Development” is organized by the Master Program in Regional Development UGM and the University of Groningen. read more

Call for Applications Erasmus Scholarships at International Development Studies, Utrecht University, The Netherlands

Are you interested in contemporary international development challenges? Would you like to explore these from a people-centred, human perspective? Then a 5-month study abroad at International Development Studies at Utrecht University might be an option for you!

For 2024-2025, there are two mobility grants available to study in this programme, financed by the European Commission, for MSc students in Forestry and Geography at UGM.

The MSc Degree Programme International Development Studies
The multidisciplinary, one-year Master’s programme in International Development Studies addresses current development challenges and engages with these highly important and urgent issues from people-centered, human perspective. In particular, the programme focuses on topics surrounding migration/mobilities, climate change, land governance, urbanisation and corporate social responsibility. read more

Double Degree Programme in “Sustainable Urban and Regional Development”

Double Degree Master’s Programme (DDM)

Regional Development Master Program in Sustainable Urban and Regional Development

  • Double Degree Cooperation between Universitas Gadjah Mada/UGM (Faculty of Geography) and University of Groningen/UG (Faculty of Spatial Sciences).
  • Two years double degree programme in “Sustainable Urban and Regional Development.”
  • Master of Science in Geography, track Regional Development (45 SKS, with equals 67.5 EC in ECTS), awarded by Universitas Gadjah Mada
  • Master of Science in Society, Sustainability and Planning awarded by the University of Groningen
  • read more

    The Dissemination of Smart City Masterplan of Magelang City

    On Thursday, December 7, 2023, the Dissemination of Smart City Masterplan of Magelang City was held in Adipura Kencana Hall, Magelang City Hall Complex. The welcoming speech was delivered by Mr. Muchamad Abdul Azis, S.H. as the Head of Communication Information and Statistics Office of Magelang City and opened by Mrs. Handini, S.T., M.Eng. as Acting Third Assistant of Economy and Development of Magelang City. Serving as moderator was Ronggo Radityo Nimoko, S.Kom., M.Eng. as Head of Informatics Technology of Diskominsta Magelang City. The activity was also attended by all Heads of Office within Magelang City Government. The team consisted of Prof. Dr. Rini Rachmawati, S.Si., M.T., Pradiptya Setyahadi, S.Kom, M.Sc., Amandita ‘Ainur Rohmah, S.Si., M.Sc. as experts, and Anindya Puteri Eka Susilowati, S.Si., Bismarq Pulungan Aulia Al-Amien, S.Si., Martina Ayu Sejati, S.Si., M.Sc. as expert assistants. read more

    Faculty of Geography in collaboration with CESASS UGM organizes German-Southeast Asian ForUm of Urban Experts’ Conference 2023

    Center for Southeast Asian Social Studies (CESASS) UGM in collaboration with the Faculty of Geography UGM organized the German-Southeast Asian ForUm of Urban Experts’ Conference on “National Urban Development Strategies for ASEAN Member Countries” on November 26 to December 5, 2023.

    The event began with the Overview and Objectives of ForUm delivered by Prof. Frauke Krass. Followed by opening remarks and presentations from Prof. Dr. Rini Rachmawati, S.Si., M.T. (Director of CESASS UGM and Program Coordinator, Master Program in Regional Development UGM) as the organizer and presenter of the event, then continued by the presentation of the Dean of the Faculty of Geography UGM, Dr. Danang Sri Hadmoko. read more

    GEO-PW Webinar Series IKN Regional Development Series #4 & Focus Group Discussion “Application of Metaverse Technology, Digital Twins and the concept of Smart Sustainable Urban Development to Support Urban Future and Urban Governance in the Capital City of the Archipelago, Indonesia”

    GEO-PW Webinar Series IKN Regional Development Series #4 & Focus Group Discussion “Application of Metaverse Technology, Digital Twins and the concept of Smart Sustainable Urban Development to Support Urban Future and Urban Governance in the Capital City of the Archipelago, Indonesia”

    Organized by Regional Development Study Interest, Master of Geography, Faculty of Geography, Universitas Gadjah Mada
    Supported by:
    – Indonesian Collaborative Research (RKI) Year 2023, UGM, UI, and ITB Research Team
    – Smart City, Village, and Region Study Group Fak. Geography UGM
    – Urban Development Study Group Fak. Geography UGM
    – Center for Southeast Asian Social Studies (PSSAT/CESASS) UGM read more

    Regional Development Team Takes Part in The 6th International Conference Planning in the Era of Uncertainty (ICPEU) 2023

    On Thursday-Friday, August 3-4, 2023, a Master of Geography student with an interest in Regional Development Studies class of 2022, Anindya Puteri Eka Susilowati, participated in the 6th International Conference Planning in the Era of Uncertainty (ICPEU) 2023 at Universitas Brawijaya, Malang, East Java. Participation in the international seminar was supported by the Final Project Recognition Fund Grant (RTA) 2023 led by Prof. Dr. Rini Rachmawati, S.Si., M.T.

    Anindya presented an article entitled “Utilization of Digital Applications to Support Smart Village in Cemani Village, Grogol District, Sukoharjo Regency”. The conference was followed by a field trip to Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park (TNBTS) on August 5, 2023. read more

    Joint Workshop Faculty of Geography UGM and Graduate School of Frontier Sciences University of Tokyo

    On Tuesday, 20 June 2023, a Joint Workshop was held between the Faculty of Geography UGM and the Graduate School of Frontier Science, University of Tokyo (UTokyo) in order to strengthen tridharma cooperation. The workshop will be held online via Zoom Meeting at 09.00-11.45 WIB.

    Opening Remarks:
    Dr. Danang Sri Hadmoko (Dean, Faculty of Geography, UGM)
    Prof. Shin’ichi Warisawa (Vice Dean, Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, UTokyo)

    Presenters from University of Tokyo:
    1. Prof. Hiroyasu Satoh (Introduction to Department of Socio-Cultural Environmental Studies)
    2. Prof. Ikuho Yamada (Introduction to Center for Spatial Information Science)
    3. Assit. Prof. Jiaqi Liu (Numerical Modeling of Tsunami-induced Seawater Flooding and Groundwater Salinization)
    4. Project Researcher Mr. Takumi Onuma (Disaster Monitoring with InSAR)
    5. Prof. Jun Matsushima (Fluid Monitoring and Geomechanical Parameters Identification by Combining Cosmic Ray Muon and Seismic Exploration) read more