Congratulations & Success to Nugroho Hartanto, S.Si., M.Sc.
Graduates Interested in Regional Development Studies Period III Academic Year 2022/2023
Congratulations & Success to Nugroho Hartanto, S.Si., M.Sc.
Graduates Interested in Regional Development Studies Period III Academic Year 2022/2023
Faculty of Geography Postgraduate Program, Gadjah Mada University Interested in Regional Development Studies, Master of Geography, has held a public lecture and socialization of the Faculty of Geography Postgraduate Program, on Tuesday, June 6 2023 at 13.00 – 15.00 WIB. The theme that was carried out was “Spatial Planning and Regional Development”. Public lectures and outreach are carried out online using Zoom meeting media. The guest lecture speaker this time was Ir. Gabriel Triwibawa, M.Eng.Sc., Director General of ATR/BPN Spatial Planning and Socialization of Interest in Regional Development Studies delivered by the Head of Study Interest Prof. Dr. Rini Rachmawati, S.Si., M.T. The seminar moderator was Dr. Andri Kurniawan, S,Si., M.Si (Head of the Regional Spatial Planning Laboratory, Department of Geography, Faculty of Geography, Gadjah Mada University). The seminar remarks were given by Dr. Danang Sri Hadmoko, S.Si., M.Sc. (Dean of the Faculty of Geography, Gadjah Mada University).
Congratulations & success for Graduates Interested in Regional Development Studies:
Elinda Tria Wati, S.Pd., M.Sc.
Tika Nurwidiani, S.Si., M.Sc.
Martina Ayu Sejati, S.Si., M.Sc.
Satria Yuda Adhitama, S.Si., M.Sc.
Redo Saputro, S.Geo., M.Sc.
The MPW Master Thesis Sharing Webinar (Interest in Regional Development Studies) was organized by the Interest in Regional Development Studies, Master of Geography at Gadjah Mada University and Duta S2 Regional Development, online via Zoom Meeting on Monday, December 26 2022 at 09.00-10.40 WIB.
Opening Remarks: Prof. Dr. Rini Rachmawati, S.Si., M.T. (Head of Interest in Regional Development Studies, Master of Geography, Universitas Gadjah Mada)
1. Martina Ayu Sejati, S.Si.
Title: Analysis of Regional Carrying Capacity in Relation to Sustainable Development in West Sumbawa Regency
GEO-PW Webinar Series IKN Regional Development Series #3 and Focus Group Discussion “Study of Smart City Development in Nusantara Capital City”
Organized by the Regional Development Studies Interest, Master of Geography, Faculty of Geography, Universitas Gadjah Mada
Supported by:
Opening Speech:
Webinar Speakers:
FGD Speaker: Representative Government of East Kalimantan Province and PPU Regency*
Discussion Inisiator: Indonesian Collaborative Research Researchers
Time & Date:
Saturday 26 November 2022
09.00-13.00 WIB
The Webinar Getting to Know the MPW (Interest in Regional Development Studies) is organized by the Interest in Regional Development Studies, Master of Geography at Gadjah Mada University and Duta S2 Regional Development, online via Zoom Meeting on Saturday, October 29 2022 at 13.00-16.00 WIB.
Welcome: Dr. Danang Sri Hadmoko, S.Si., M.Sc. (Dean of the Faculty of Geography, Gadjah Mada University)
Speaker and Host: Dr. Rini Rachmawati, S.Si., M.T. (Chairman of Interest in Regional Development Studies)
Interest in Regional Development Studies, Master of Geography, Faculty of Geography UGM and supported by the Smart City, Village, and Region Study Group held the GEO-PW Webinar Series which is the second webinar of the IKN Regional Development Series Webinar, held on Saturday 20 August 2022 by raising the theme “Masterplan Smart City National Capital Strategic Area”. This webinar displays the expertise of lecturers from various disciplines, including those from the Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, UGM Faculty of Engineering, namely Ir. Lukito Edi Nugroho, M.Sc., Ph.D. with the topic: “Utilization of ICT in Smart City in the IKN Area” and from the Department of Management and Public Policy, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences UGM namely Prof. Dr. Wahyudi Kumorotomo, MPP. with the topic: “Smart City Master Plan for the IKN Region: Several Notes on Strategic Public Policy”, as well as from the Department of Development Geography, Faculty of Geography UGM namely Dr. Rini Rachmawati S.Si., M.T. as well as being a moderator and also presenting material on the topic: “Review of Aspects of City Development and Smart City IKN”. The webinar was attended by 263 participants from various agencies such as ministries, institutions, local governments, lecturers, students and the general public.
Interest in Regional Development Studies, Master of Geography, Faculty of Geography UGM is holding the GEO-PW Webinar Series which is the first webinar of the IKN Regional Development Series Webinar on Saturday, March 19 2022 with the theme “The Future of IKN: Contribution to the Field of Geography-Regional Development”. This webinar displays the expertise of lecturers in the Interest in Regional Development Studies consisting of Dr. Rini Rachmawati S.Si., M.T. with the topic “City Development and Smart City IKN”, Dr. Andri Kurniawan, S.Si., M.Sc. with the topic: “IKN Strategic Area Development Plan”, Dr. Lutfi Muta’ali, S.Si., M.T. with the topic: “IKN in the Context of Regional Economic Development”, Dr. Estuning Tyas Wulan Mei, S.Sc., M.Sc., M.Sc. with the topic: “Disaster Perspective in IKN”, as well as Prof. Dr. M. Baiquni, M.A with the topic: “IKN Tourism Prospects”. The webinar was attended by 300 participants from various agencies such as ministries, institutions and local governments, as well as lecturers, students and the general public.
Closing Ceremony for Smart City, Village, and Region (SCVR) Summer Course 2021 was successfully held at July 23rd, 2021 by Department of Development Geography, Faculty of Geography, Universitas Gadjah Mada. This summer course was supported by Smart City, Village, and Region Study Group and Master Program of Regional Development, Faculty of Geography, Universitas Gadjah Mada. The summer course ran from July 6th to 23rd 2021. The Dean of Faculty of Geography, Dr. Andri Kurniawan, M.Si., mentioned that this summer course is special because it goes fully online due to the pandemic situation. Nevertheless, the Summer Course received positive responses as shown by the numbers of the participants.