Arsip 2024:


Kuliah Umum dan Sosialisasi Program Pascasarjana Fakultas Geografi UGM di Universitas Lampung

Kaminat Studi Pembangunan Wilayah Magister Geografi UGM, Prof. Dr. Rini Rachmawati, S.Si., M.T. menyampaikan kuliah umum di Universitas Lampung (UNILA) pada tanggal 23 Februari 2024, bertempat di Aula Gedung A FKIP UNILA. Dilanjutkan dengan Pengenalan Program Pascasarjana regular, by research, dan double degree. Program double degree “Sustainable Urban and Regional Development” diselenggarakan oleh Minat Studi Pembangunan Wilayah UGM dan University of Groningen. Kegiatan turut dihadiri oleh pengelola Magister Geografi, Magister Penginderaan Jauh, dan Doktor Ilmu Geografi UGM. read more

Kuliah Umum dan Sosialisasi Program Pascasarjana Fakultas Geografi UGM di Universitas Negeri Medan

Kaminat Studi Pembangunan Wilayah, Magister Geografi UGM menyampaikan kuliah umum di UNIMED tanggal 20 Februari 2024 dengan judul “Transformasi Digital Melalui Implementasi Smart City untuk Mendukung Pembangunan Berkelanjutan”. Dilanjutkan dengan Pengenalan Program Pascasarjana regular, by research, dan double degree. Program double degree “Sustainable Urban and Regional Development” diselenggarakan oleh Minat Studi Pembangunan Wilayah UGM dan University of Groningen.

Call for Applications Erasmus Scholarships at International Development Studies, Utrecht University, The Netherlands

Are you interested in contemporary international development challenges? Would you like to explore these from a people-centred, human perspective? Then a 5-month study abroad at International Development Studies at Utrecht University might be an option for you!

For 2024-2025, there are two mobility grants available to study in this programme, financed by the European Commission, for MSc students in Forestry and Geography at UGM.

The MSc Degree Programme International Development Studies
The multidisciplinary, one-year Master’s programme in International Development Studies addresses current development challenges and engages with these highly important and urgent issues from people-centered, human perspective. In particular, the programme focuses on topics surrounding migration/mobilities, climate change, land governance, urbanisation and corporate social responsibility. read more