Dosen dan Tenaga Pengajar

Prof. Dr. R. Rijanta, M.Sc.

GEPW 5101  Development of Concept and Theories in Geography

GEPW 5106  Population and Development

GEPW 5107  Space and Place in Globalization

GEPW 5108  Structure and Dynamics of Regional Systems

GEPW 6216  Rural Development

Tautan Acadstaff

Prof. Dr. M. Baiquni, M.A.

GEPW 5108  Structure and Dynamics of Regional System

GEPW 5211  Sustainable Tourism Development

GEPW 5209  Human and Environment

Tautan Acadstaff

Prof. Dr. Sudarmadji, M.Eng.Sc.

GEPW 5103  Research Design and Methodology

Tautan Acadstaff

Prof. Dr. Eko Haryono, M.Si.

GEPW 5103  Research Design and Methodology

GEPW 6112  Applied Geography

Tautan Acadstaff

Prof. Dr. Rini Rachmawati, S.Si., M.T.

GEPW 5104  Spatial Development Planning

GEPW 5107  Space and Place in Globalization

GEPW 5210  Smart City, Village, and Region 

GEPW 7119  Regional Development Studio

GEPW 6113  Fieldwork

Tautan Acadstaff

Dr. Lutfi Muta'ali, S.Si., M.T.

GEPW 5103  Research Design and Methodology

GEPW 5104  Spatial Development Planning

GEPW 5105  Regional Economics Development

GEPW 5209  Human and Environment

GEPW 6214  Marginal and Border Area Development

Tautan Acadstaff

Dr. Drs Sukamdi, M.Sc.

GEPW 5101  Development of Concept and Theories in Geography

GEPW 5103  Research Design and Methodology

Tautan Acadstaff

Dr. Noorhadi Rahardjo, M.Si.,P.M.

GEPW 5102  Spatial Data Representation


Tautan Acadstaff

Drs. Projo Danoedoro, M.Sc., Ph.D.

GEPW 5101  Development of Concept and Theories in Geography

GEPW 5102  Spatial Data Representation

GEPW 6112  Applied Geography

Tautan Acadstaff

Dr. Andri Kurniawan, S.Si., M.Si.

GEPW 7119  Regional Development Studio

GEPW 5104  Spatial Development Planning

GEPW 5106  Population and Development

GEPW 6112  Applied Geography

GEPW 6215  Design of Monitoring and Evaluation

Tautan Acadstaff

Dr.rer.pol. Dyah Widiyastuti, S.T., M.C.P.

GEPW 5211  Sustainable Tourism Development


Tautan Acadstaff

Dr. Estuning Tyas Wulan Mei, M.Si.

GEPW 6218  Risk Reduction and Disaster Mitigation

GEPW 7119  Regional Development Studio

Tautan Acadstaff

Dr. Erlis Saputra, S.Si., M.Si.

GEPW 5209  Human and Environment

Tautan Acadstaff

Dr. Geog. Dodi Widiyanto, S.Si., M.Reg.Dev.

GEPW 6217  Agricultural Development and Food Security

GEPW 5105  Regional Economics Development

GEPW 5108  Structure and Dynamics of Regional System

Tautan Acadstaff

Dr. Evita Hanie Pangaribowo, S.E., M.IDEC.

GEPW 5105  Regional Economics Development

Tautan Acadstaff

Dr. Dyah Rahmawati Hizbaron, S.Si., M.T., M.Sc.

GEPW 6218  Risk Reduction and Disaster Mitigation

Tautan Acadstaff

Dr. Taufik Hery Purwanto, S.Si., M.Si.

GEPW 5102  Spatial Data Representation

GEPW 5107  Space and Place in Globalization

Tautan Acadstaff

Dr. Nur M. Farda, S.Si., M.Cs.

GEPW 5210  Smart City, Village, and Region

Tautan Acadstaff

Dr. Abdur Rofi’, S.Si., M.Si.

GEPW 5106  Population and Development

Tautan Acadstaff